Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Great Ladybug Release

Day of The Great Ladybug Release

My garden and flowers have had aphids and other bugs... and while I like bugs I do not like bugs that hurt my plants. I have tried organic gardening sprays and my bug problems were getting worse not better. I had been reading everything I could find on the internet about what to try. I tried Neem Oil, mixes with Dawn Dish Soap, and a couple of other store bought things. Nothing was helping... So I bought ladybugs. I found a package of 1500 ladybugs on amazon. They do recommend ordering them with expedited shipping so they don't die from heat or cold in the mail.

Day 2
I was expecting to have at least some dead lady bugs, but amazingly there were very few dead ones. When my ladybugs arrived I opened the package, and they did not smell awesome, but it wasn't too bad. The package said to release your ladybugs at dusk or early in the morning. While you wait for time to release them it says to refrigerate your ladybugs. They come in a mesh pouch with a little bit of wood/straw bedding.

Our ladybugs sat in the fridge for about 5 hours before we released them. We released them about 6:30pm. That gave us enough time to do it before my son had to go to bed and the day had cooled off some by then. We snipped the bag open and the ladybugs started trickling out. After a few minutes the ladybugs really started waking up; they would crawl out of the bag and up our hands and arms and onto the roses and the garden plants. My son got a kick out of releasing the cute little bugs. He loved letting them crawl all over him. He also has enjoyed scouring the yard looking for them everyday.
Day 3

Over a few days a lot of the ladybugs flew off. It poured down rain off and on the first three days we had them. They did pretty well. I still find some when I check my garden plants a week later. They seem to spend a lot of time in my roses and parsley or at least they are easier to find on those plants. I do not see as many other bugs or damage on my plants as I was before we released the ladybugs. It has been a week since we released them and they are doing well.

You can order the ladybugs here.
Day 6

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