Monday, May 2, 2016

SupaCute Push Pop Confetti - Party in a Box

This spring and summer we have a few special celebrations in my family. The first of these celebrations was my son's birthday! Little Bear turned 7 a few days ago. For a lot of reasons I went above and beyond this year. He didn't have a party and his dad was out of town for work, but we had a few family members come into town.

His dad and I got him a full size basketball goal for his birthday. So, I put a huge bow on it and his grandparents and I went to the bus stop to pick him up. Before we got out of the car at home I doled out confetti push pops. These confetti poppers are not the traditional confetti poppers you would expect. There is no explosion or firework sound. These are containers like the old school Flintstone's Orange Push Pops I ate, in the cafeteria, during elementary school. They are perfect for my kiddo who startles easily especially unexpected with loud noises. They don't shoot confetti very far, but plenty of confetti comes out and goes about 2-3 feet from where you point it, depending on how quickly you force it out of its container. When my son got out of the car and ran towards the basketball goal we confetti-ed him. It didn't all make it on him, but he thought it was fun. He was hilarious trying to shake and brush all the confetti off of him. A few days after his birthday he wanted to play with the confetti again so he could actually use it.

These confetti push pops by SupaCute come with a decorative box. This kit comes with everything you need to assemble these poppers on your own. There are 20 push pop containers; each one comes in 4 pieces. It is really easy to assemble. Once you get the plastic push pops together you get to fill them with confetti. The confetti comes in little bags. I made a huge mess filling the first couple and then I decided to get a box to fill them over so I didn't have to clean up confetti from all over the floor. The box makes a great place to set your confetti push pops to keep them neat and organized. They fit pretty nicely and make it easy to guests at parties to grab one and be ready to go. These confetti push pops are great. They are re-usable. As long as you don't step on them or crush the plastic tubes somehow they should last a long, long time. The confetti that comes with them is biodegradable so you can use it outside without worrying about it too much. I did sweep up the majority of the confetti, but I don't feel bad about missing some like I do with the shiny metallic confetti from a lot of the confetti shooters and such. 

These confetti push pops rock. They are easy to use and a lot of fun! You can buy them from here or directly from their website here.

I received this product a discount on this product. All opinions expressed are my own. 

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