Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Braza Waterproof Tape is the Way to Go

This is something all women need to know about... Braza Waterproof Tape... This stuff is awesome. If you are like me and have never heard of it you are missing out. I recently bought a really cute halter dress and was having issues with strapless bras staying up. I was complaining to a friend and she recommended this stuff. I put off buying it for a while and when I finally gave in. I was honestly not expecting much when I bought it.

This tape comes on a nice tape dispenser. It is basically like using a fancy roll of Scotch tape. The tape itself is a double sided tape with a paper layer to protect the top side of the tape and keep it from sticking to itself on the roll. This tape can be torn off in strips to be just the size you need. It can also be torn in half lengthwise to make narrow pieces.

This tape is not for taping your breasts up, it is for taping them to your clothes, bra, or swimsuit to hold everything in place. The tape says it is waterproof. I expected it to work for a while when I was sitting still. I did not believe it would hold up moving around and being active. I live in the South. It has been in the 90s for weeks and it is always humid here. The first time I wore this was with a spaghetti strap tank top with a built in bra. I wore it outside to garden in the heat for hours. The tape held everything in place. I didn't feel like I needed to readjust anything or pull things up. It was wonderful.

The second time I wore this tape I was going to the beach and planned to get in the water with my son. He always climbs all over me in the water and pulls on straps and stuff in the process. That combined with the waves makes keeping swimsuits in place easier said than done. So in preparation to the beach trip I stuck this tape on my skin and then pressed the swimsuit down on top of it. Even after the previous success with it, I was not expecting it to last in the ocean for hours.... but miraculously it did. My swimsuit stayed in place. After about 5 hours at the beach I came home and the tape was still STUCK on to both my skin and my swimsuit. It had not budged. When you go to peel this off it does remind me of ripping off a Band Aid, the really sticky ones not the cheap off brand. I did have a little sand stuck on the edges of it in a couple of places, but amazingly the Braza Tape stayed put.

So if you ever need a little help... Holding your clothes in place... This Braza Waterproof Tape is the way to go. You can buy it here.

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