Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Real Pants or Not?

I never wore leggings until after I was diagnosed with gastroparesis. Now I love leggings and yoga pants. They are my favorite pants. When eating makes me bloated, not your normal bloated but a painful balloon in my belly kind of bloated, you do what you have to do. Jeans are not an option on those days.

Not wearing jeans every day has been a huge sacrifice for me. I always wear jeans, always have. They are my favorite pants, but when I am bloated they really hurt. I had no choice, but to give in to my bloated belly and find alternatives.

I started with dresses. I love a good dress. However, dresses are not good for working in the yard and garden. They are not good for laying in the hammock. A dress is not always an option. So, you guessed it... I turned to yoga pants and leggings.

If you would have asked my grandma she would say that leggings are not real pants and no one needs to be wearing them out in public. My dad would agree with her. Talking on the phone with my grandma she was always complaining about the old ladies with too much fat wearing leggings. She said no one ever needed to wear pants that tight, old or young, but especially old.

I have learned something. I don't really care that my grandma would cringe if she were here and knew how many times I have walked out my front door and enjoyed the day wearing leggings and a tunic top. Little Bear told me the other day that he was sure my grandma could see me from heaven. This thought made me laugh and laugh. I am sure that as she looks down on me wearing leggings she is ranting about how she cannot believe I would do such a thing and Jesus is telling her it's okay. Pretty sure she would argue with even God about whether or not leggings are acceptable pants. I love my leggings. I love my grandma, but from her seat up in heaven. she will just have to understand that sometimes, leggings is just the best option I have.

I honestly have learned to like leggings. They are extremely comfortable. They are made from a soft and cozy fabric. They fit me well without feeling like a saw blade trying to cut through my abdomen as I swell up after eating. They look really cute with a long shirt and boots. Even if they looked awful, I would probably keep wearing them.

So, it's up to you to decide for yourself, are leggings real pants or not? In my book, leggings are real pants.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Awesome Microwave Steamer

This silicone steamer by Zoie + Chloe is really cool. I love steaming vegetables, but often when I want to steam things I either don’t have time to steam them on the stovetop or I have pots on all the burners are full of other things. This fold-able steamer works quickly and easily in the microwave. 

Some of the cool features of this steamer are that it folds up easily and takes up very little space to store. It also makes steaming much quicker and easier than on the stovetop. The steamer is made up of three parts that are all dishwasher safe and easy to clean.

This steamer did not come with any instructions or guides for steaming things in the microwave. I love steamed squash. I put a little bit of water in the bottom of the bowl, just enough to cover the entire surface but not enough to seep into the bottom of the steamer bowl. I started with 3 minutes on the squash. Since it was not fork tender, I added it for another minute. This was a little bit too done for the thinnest slices and perfect for the slices that were a little thicker. The power of your microwave will also make a difference in how long things take. I recommend starting with less time than you think it needs so you do not end up with overcooked vegetables.
Little Bear's Favorite Broccoli

Little Bear loves to use this steamer to make broccoli with a little lemon zest. We cut up our broccoli into florets and fill the steamer. Put a little water in the bottom of the bowl and set the full steamer basket in. Put  Sprinkle a pinch of salt over the broccoli. Then zest about half of a lemon over the top. Close the steamer and microwave starting around 3-4 minutes depending on the power of your microwave. Check the broccoli for tenderness. When it is cooked squeeze your lemon over the top. This is one of Little Bear's favorite vegetable dishes. 

The inner bowl can also be used as a colander. This set is oven, microwave, and dishwasher safe. I have hard water at my house and it does show spots when it gets run through the dishwasher. It is overall easy to clean and easy to use. The parts fit well together. Do be careful when removing the lid so you do not get steam burns. I really like this set. It makes it really easy to steam vegetables.

You can buy the Zoie + Chloe silicone steamer here

I received this product free. All opinions expressed here are honest, unbiased, and 100% my own. 

Friday, November 25, 2016

10 Great Gifts For Elementary Age Boys

Sometimes it can be really difficult to shop for elementary age boys. Having one of my own I know how hard it is. He has things he loves but I don't want to get him the same type of gift every single holiday. I also want to get him things that are fun, but will require using his imagination and his brain while he plays.

1) Kinex Sets

Kinex sets are an amazing gift for elementary boys. My son got his first set around the age of 5 and has loved them ever since. He now builds complicated projects and all kinds of simple machines with them. There are a wide variety of Kinex sets from simple sets to fancy sets that allow you to build roller coasters.
You can buy Kinex Sets here for $17 and up.

2) Lego Sets 

We all know kids love Legos and there are some amazing and fancy Lego sets out there. There are also some really great inexpensive Lego sets. Kids can sit and play with Legos for hours building all kinds of fancy and imaginative creations. We really love the Lego Creator sets because they have instructions to build 3 different things from one set of Legos.
You can buy Lego sets here for $4 and up.

3) Books

There are so many books that are great for elementary school kids. My son has loved The Indian in the Cupboard, Pippi Longstocking, many of Beverly Cleary's and Roald Dahl's books, The Magic Treehouse series, and so much more. Reading opens the doors to the world. It gives children insights to the world and how things work, as well as teaching them fact and fiction. The world of books opened my eyes and my imagination so much as a child. 
You can buy books on new and used for $4 and up. 

4) Sticky Slugs

We have all had sticky hands and enjoyed them, but sticky slugs are even better. They are fun. They are sticky and they are just plain awesome.
You can buy a pack of sticky slugs here for about $7.

5) Nerf Guns

This Nerf N-Strike Elite Target Set comes with a Nerf gun and a target. I love this set because of the target. I love a good old fashioned Nerf gun fight, but frankly, as a mom, it is nice when my kiddo has something else to shoot at.
You can buy this Nerf gun set here for approximately $20.  

6) Science Kits

This Mindblowing Science Kit is pretty awesome. It comes with everything you need for several experiments. The kit has great directions. It does recommend adult supervision, but they are really fun experiments to do with younger children and older kids will enjoy them, too.
You can buy the science kit here for about $10.

7) Stomp Rocket 

Stomp Rocket is awesome. My son has a blast with it. He can play with it for a long time by himself until he gets all the rockets stuck on the roof or in a tree. The wind always blows them off so he can play and have more fun. 
You can buy stomp rocket here for about $15. 

8) Minecraft

Minecraft is a fantastic game, even though it can quickly become an obsession for kids. It requires, skill, critical thinking, imagination, and logic to make things work properly. My son LOVES Minecraft. In the last year, he has become a huge fan and would play all the time if we would let him. It can be played on numerous platforms including PC, Xbox, and Playstation.
You can buy Minecraft here for  $13 and up.

9) Art Kit

If you have a little artist in your life, an art kit and some paper is a great gift. Most art kits come with a huge variety of mediums, including paints, colored pencils, markers, and pastels. These give kids a variety fo tools to work with to create their own masterpieces.
You can buy a great art kit here for around $30. 

10) SnapTite Model Kits

SnapTite makes great models for both beginners and more advanced model builders. One of the best things is they have some really great models that kids will love. They have Star Wars models, cars, planes, trucks, ships and more.
You can buy SnapTite Models here for $10 and up.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving Blessings

Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your blessings, see what God has done.
~Count Your Blessings Johnson Oatman, Jr.

Some of my favorite blessings
Thanksgiving is a day that we have set aside to count our blessings. We tend to celebrate this day with friends, family, and other loved ones. Being a military wife we have had some interesting Thanksgiving celebrations. 

Last year Little Bear and I celebrated Thanksgiving by ourselves. We had finger foods and watched Christmas movies all day. It was a nice relaxing day. We spent it together thinking of Popeye and talking about how grateful we are to have him out protecting our country and our freedoms. 

Several years, Little Bear and I have gone "home" to visit family while Popeye was gone. A couple of years ago we were blessed to meet my niece for the first time and celebrate Thanksgiving at my brother's house. The blessing of Thanksgiving with family is always nice. 

We have also had years that Popeye was home. Some of these Thanksgivings, we celebrated as a family of three. Others we hosted Thanksgiving for relatives. One year we hosted some friends from Popeye's work that could not go home for Thanksgiving. 

Little Bear's First Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a time to remember all the good things in life. God has blessed my family so much. He has given us the blessing of love. Popeye and I have a wonderful marriage. Little Bear is a joy to us and our family. He is such a happy kid and always makes us laugh. We have love of our family both near and far. 

God has blessed us with faith. We have hope even in the hard times God will bless us and watch over us. God has given us a wonderful church family. They encourage us and pray for us. 

God has blessed us with health. Even with gastroparesis, things could be so much worse. I am thankful that God has given me the energy and health to enjoy life and enjoy family. 

Today and everyday be thankful. Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving with Skype

Grandparent's for Thanksgiving

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; his love endures forever.
1 Chronicles 16:34 

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

A Loving Kid with a Big-Heart and a Lot of Faith

A couple of weeks ago, Sunday morning church both wonderful and emotional. It started like every other Sunday morning does. I was dragging because I hate mornings and am never ready to get up. Little Bear and Popeye were up and ready long before I was. We left for church and were only a couple of minutes late for Sunday School. I blame traffic, not really it was all me and my slowness.

This Sunday was a special service at our church. It was our celebration of All Saint's Day. They read a list of names of our church members that passed away during the last year and they lit candles for them. After this, we had a time for people to speak the names of family members and friends who have passed away in the last year.

I have been extra tearful lately, I blame hormones, but the tears started rolling down my face and I could not speak. Little Bear looks at me and whispers "say her name mom." When he realized I couldn't say it for my tears he shyly says "Great Grandma." Then, he whispers to us "I don't know her real name." Popeye told him and Little Bear said it quietly just as the prayer started.

The next thing Little Bear did was crawl into my lap and hug me tight until my tears stopped flowing. Then, sweet Little Bear looked into my eyes and apologized for messing up her name. I whispered to him that he did well and thank you and hugged my big-hearted boy tight.

Later in the service, we had the Lord's Supper. Little Bear accepted Jesus several years ago but has always been in children's church when we have done the Lord's Supper. This was the first time he participated in it. I whispered as much explanation as I could about how and why we do it. When the tray of tiny, gross, dry crackers (you know you have had that thought, too) came around, I reminded him to only touch ONE cracker and then I told him they are dry, hard, and do not taste good. I also told him not to make any ugly faces or say anything about how bad they taste.

The time came to eat our bread and the look on Little Bear's face was one of dismay and disgust and trying really hard to hide it. He chewed and chewed trying to finish the tiny piece of cracker. When he finally swallowed it down, he looked at me and whispered: "You were right, Mom, they are bad."

The best part of Sunday came when Little Bear walked down the aisle to make a profession of faith and ask to be baptized. He was shy and nervous so he took Popeye and me with him. He talked to the pastor about his decision and our church welcomed him with open arms. Little Bear was shy about standing up in front of everyone and having everyone stare at him. When people came up to shake his hand after the service, my Little Bear was in his element. He loved shaking hands and talking to everyone. He even asked me if he could do that part again sometime.

So, all in all, our Sunday was beautiful. Our Little Bear is turning into a loving kid with a big-heart and a lot of faith.

Monday, November 21, 2016

VitalSox Compression Socks

I ordered these VitalSox compression socks because I have been having issues with low blood pressure and getting dizzy when I stand up. I ordered the pink ones because I figured if I had to wear them at least I could have colorful fun ones. 

I was not expecting to actually like these compression socks. I had tried various cheap brands from our local stores and hated them because they did nothing and were not comfortable. I expected to find them to be really tight or too loose to help, and overall uncomfortable, like other types I have tried. They are actually extremely comfortable. They are not as tight as I expected them to be, but they are tighter than normal knee socks.

These socks are a pain to put on at first. Once you get the hang of it, it becomes fairly easy. To put these socks on you turn them inside out down to the heel, pulling the upper part down over the toe of the socks. Then, you put your foot in all the way up to the heel and turn them right side out as you pull them up your leg. They are made from a pretty stretchy material. The fabric is thicker than it looks. It is also stiffer than normal socks.

I wear a women’s size 10 shoe. I ordered these socks in a medium. They fit my feet wonderfully. I am about 5’6.5” tall and weigh about 135 pounds. My legs are not skinny. These socks are tight around them, but not cut off circulation tight or leave uncomfortable marks kind of tight. They pull up to the bottoms of my knees.

These socks are fantastic. They help my legs not feel so sore after things like yard work and other physical labor. They also help me not feel dizzy so often upon standing up. I recommend these socks to anyone who needs compression socks for medical reasons or for exercise recovery. These socks are honestly more comfortable than any of my regular socks.

You can buy these compression socks here

I received this product free. All opinions expressed here are honest, unbiased, and 100% my own. 

Friday, November 18, 2016

Vintage World Map Canvas

I love old maps. I think they are really interesting. I think it's the history buff inside of me that brings my love for old maps. The Vintage World Map Canvas by ArtKisser is wonderful. I received the 24"x35" canvas print. This is a great size. It is not too big or too small.

This canvas print is stretched neatly over its frame. The back has two brackets for hanging it. They are mounted well and make mounting the canvas on the wall sturdy. The problem with using two hooks make it difficult to level, but you don't have to worry about it falling down once you get it hung level on the wall. 

The canvas print is beautiful. It has a vintage style map. The colors are varying shades of brown and black. The vintage map is really nice looking. The print is crisp, clean and easy to read. 

We had a large empty space on the wall in our bedroom and this canvas was the perfect thing for that space. It fits nicely in our room. We really enjoy this canvas print. 

You can buy this canvas print here

I received this product free. All opinions expressed are 100% my own. 

Thursday, November 17, 2016


Do you ever feel really overwhelmed? I am at that point right now. I feel like I have so many irons in the fire that I do not know how I will ever get everything done. It is pretty rough lately. I know I am not as busy as some people, but I am overwhelmed

My irons have grown in the last few months since Popeye got home. Since Popeye got home laundry multiplied immensely, along with other chores. I also started working again for the first time in years. I work from home, but it is still not something I am used to. I enjoy the work. Freelance writing is fun, but it is something that takes away from what had been my normal schedule for years.

I have also taken on some things like being an assistant den leader for Little Bear's den. Then, there are projects like finishing the bathrooms, sealing the tile floors in the rest of the house, and then cleaning up after we get it all done. I am ready to have my house back to normal instead of being torn apart. Soon, I hope, it will all be done.

One of my many irons
To help combat the overwhelmed feeling I have made myself a schedule. The first part of my day begins with getting Little Bear off to school. After that, I come home and take my morning nap. I know, I know, most of you think a morning nap sounds crazy, but with my gastroparesis, I need a morning nap to function the rest of the day without biting anyone's head off or falling asleep mid-afternoon.

My writing work doesn't take too long most days so I am scheduling it for my mornings and early afternoons. I usually try to get it done around lunch time. I schedule chores and painting for the afternoons. Then, I plan my time for making dinner and doing laundry in the evenings.

Having a schedule really helps, but even more than having a schedule, I have found that starting my day off right helps most. On days I start with reading my Bible and having some quality prayer or my devotional time I have a much better and more productive day. I am in an online Bible study group that I love. When I keep up with that I do much better at keeping up with all the other things in life. Working on my relationship with God helps me control my stress and anxiety and I need all the help I can get with that.

They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. 
Luke 6:48  

Luxolite Headlamp

There are so many times when I have wanted a headlamp. This Luxolite Headlamp is really great. A headlamp makes working in the dark really easy. It allows you to use both hands to work without having to hold a flashlight or ask someone else to hold the flashlight for you.

This Luxolite headlamp is really comfortable. It has an adjustable strap that is stretchy. It is easy to adjust. When you get it adjusted it stays adjusted perfectly and does not slip when I wear it.

 This headlamp has Cree LED bulbs. They are really bright and light things up well. LED's last a long time and do not waste batteries. This headlamp by Luxolite has both white and red LED's. The white is really bright and works great for finding your way through the dark or working in a dark environment. The white LED's have 4 settings. They are bright, medium, dim, and flashing.

The red LED's are on the sides. I don't use the red LED's often.

This Luxolite headlamp is a really great item to have around the house. Since it gets dark really early this time of year it comes in handy more than I expected. It is also fun because it comes in lots of colors.

You can buy the Luxolite Headlamp here.

I received this product free. All opinions expressed are 100% my own.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Ten Years

As a wee lass, ten years seemed like forever. I could not wait to be sixteen so I could drive. Then, I was waiting to be eighteen so I could buy lottery tickets and after eighteen I was waiting for twenty-one. Time could not move fast enough in those days.

Now that I am an old lady time seems to fly by. The last ten years have gone by with amazing speed. During the last ten years, I got my first real job. My divorce was finalized. I got married to Popeye. Then, Little Bear was born. 

I never knew how time would fly by and I would be looking back wondering where all those years have gone, but here I sit wondering how time passed by so quickly. This year marks ten years of Popeye's career. 

Popeye's job is hard. Some days it is because the work is hard and other times it is because being away from his family is hard. He misses out on a lot of family time. He misses school plays, birthdays, holidays, and just life. While Popeye is deployed we don't get to put life on hold. We cannot press pause on Little Bear growing up. We cannot stop time to wait for our anniversary. It's hard, on Popeye and on Little Bear and I. 

The hardships make the easy times sweeter than ever. The times when Popeye is home we cherish more. We relish in the time we spend together. I don't have the heart to count how much time we have missed out on during our marriage, but I know that the time we spend together is worth so much more. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder. 

So, here's to you Popeye... Happy Ten Years! You make us proud daily with the sacrifices you make. You sacrifice your time and energy to protect the freedoms we hold most dear. Thank you for your sacrifices and thank you for your service!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

To Everything There is a Season

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which has been planted;
Ecclesiastes 3: 3-2 

It has been one year since my grandma left this world. When she left this world she went home and has spent the last year in heavenly bliss. She is with Jesus and my grandpa. I am torn between joy for her eternal happiness and sadness for my own loss.

I won't deny that this year has been difficult. I still have moments when I pick up the phone and realize as soon as I do that I cannot call her. It seems silly and a little crazy. It's not like I have forgotten she is gone, it is just habit, I suppose. After years of calling her almost weekly, it seems strange to have gone for one year without hearing her voice.

The hardest times have been around the holidays and around special family days. Then, there are the days when Little Bear and I went home and we normally would have visited, but instead we drove straight through the town she lived in. My heart broke again as we drove through without a reason to stop.

My grandma was a special lady. She adored me... and I don't really know why. I was always a smart aleck and sarcastic. I enjoyed her even when I thought she was a little nutty or a little mean. We had moments that we argued, but that never kept us from loving each other.

My grandma loved her family, but sometimes I don't think she knew how to show it. She was often harsh with all of us. She said hurtful things and meant them. It was her own style of blunt honesty. I often have wondered where I got that quality, but now I know.

The thing I admired most about my grandma is her faith. I don't remember her talking about her faith too much as a kid. As an adult, she frequently told me about God and how he blessed her. She loved him. She had a great faith and that faith filled her with peace, especially near the end.

I pray that my faith will blossom and grow as her's did. I pray when my time comes I can be at peace with my life and ready to join my Savior in heaven. In the meantime, I will read His Word and draw peace and hope from the Bible and the example of those who have gone before me.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Travelsafer Tire Gauge

For years we have had a traditional tire gauge in our cars. Recently one of them quit working accurately. I traded it in for a Travelsafer Tire Gauge. This digital tire gauge is really neat. It is quick and easy to use.

The digital tire gauge can measure PSI, Bar, or Kgf or KPA. It is easy to switch between each of these when checking your tire's air pressure. The gauge has a lighted display and nozzle. These make it easy to see what you are doing whether it is day or night.

Taking a reading is quick and easy. Put the nozzle over the end of the valve and press firmly. Pressing it on properly makes sure you get a tight seal. If the seal is not tight you can hear the air escaping from the tire. When pressing tightly the tire gauge will quickly give you a reading on the LCD display screen.
If you need to change the type of reading you are getting you simply press the button and it scrolls through the different units. This tire gauge will automatically turn off after about 20 seconds. You can manually turn it off by holding down the button.

This tire gauge is larger than a traditional one so it takes up more space in the glove box. It is easy to use and my readings are more accurate than with our old tire gauge. The feature I like best is the light because it makes it really easy to read even if it is slightly dark outside.

You can purchase the Travelsafer Digital Tire gauge here.

I received a discount on this item. All opinions expressed are 100% my own. 

Friday, November 11, 2016

Some Simple Ways to Help Our Veterans

As a military wife, veterans have a special place in my heart. We all know military life is hard on its members and their families. Veterans have been through things most of us could never imagine. I am grateful for all the work they do. I am grateful for their sacrifices, even when those sacrifices make life hard.

Many of our countries veterans need help, Often they try to hide that they need help. Even if you do not know anyone who has served in our countries armed forces there are a few things you can do to show your support.

 1) Pray for them. 

A friend of the family always says "Praying is the most and the least you can do for someone." You don't have to know a person to pray for them and prayer can always help. 

2) Write a letter or send a package. 

There are several organizations that can connect you with veterans. Operation Gratitude has several ways to connect with veterans as well as active-duty service members. They have a lot of other volunteer opportunities you can check out.
You can also share letters with veterans through A Million Thanks. They have some sample letters available on their websites. 

3) Share their lives. 

If you know a veteran with a wonderful story you can share that story as part of the Veterans History Project. The Veterans History Project is a really great project that helps people to preserve and collect stories and record them. There are lots of forms to fill out and information to help you prepare for interviewing the veterans. The project will help to tell the stories of veterans who served in many of the wars the US has been involved with. When the stories are completed they can be turned in to the Library of Congress to be archived for generations to come. 

4) Spend time with some veterans. 

Often times you can visit veterans at your local VA hospitals. You can also sit and talk with veterans through many local organizations in your area. A great organization to volunteer with is DAV. They have many opportunities to volunteer such as hospital visits and driving disabled veterans to appointments.  

5) Help build homes for troops. 

Homes for Troops is an awesome organization that provides help building or renovating homes for wounded veterans and service members. If you cannot physically help with their projects you can make donations through their website. 

Take this Veteran's Day and thank a veteran. Show them you care! 

Thursday, November 10, 2016

10 Gift Ideas for Herb Lovers

We all know someone or are someone that people could call crunchy or hippie. (I really hate those terms, especially since I can sort of fall into those categories) I mean someone that loves whole foods, herbal and natural remedies. I love herbs, home remedies, aromatherapy, and homemade beauty products. I know my husband can find that my hobbies make it hard to shop for me so here are 10 great ideas.

1) Rosemary Gladstar's Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health 

This book by Rosemary Gladstar is one of my favorite herb books. It has recipes for everything. The information in this book gives you a wealth of knowledge that can be carried into so many other applications. This book has recipes for more than you can imagine. It has recipes for adults and children both. You can buy this book here for under $15. 

2) Aromatherapy for Vibrant Health by Roberta Wilson

This book by Roberta Wilson is a great book for aromatherapy. It has recipes for a plethora of issues from A to Z. It is laid out in an easy to follow format. This is one of my go-to books for essential oils. There is a newer edition of this book, but this one is typically the one I grab first. If used books are okay with the person you are shopping for buying this book used is a very inexpensive and useful gift.
You can buy this book here for under $15 new and under $5 used.

3) Essential Oils and Blends 

Essential oils are essential for many home remedies. They can be diluted and used topically, used in baths, and used in an aromatherapy diffuser. They can also be added to soaps and other beauty products. Lots of people have favorites. Some of my favorites are Plant Therapy's KidSafe line. Their Germ Destroyer blend is used all the time in my home. It has helped us survive cold and flu season, mostly unscathed, the last couple of years.  I also love lavender and tea tree because these oils have many uses in the home. 
You can buy Plant Therapy Essential Oils here. Prices are from $6.95 and up depending on the essential oil and the size. 

4) Aromatherapy Diffusers

An aromatherapy diffuser is a great gift. They are easy to use. You add water, a few drops of essential oils and they are ready to go. A good diffuser can run for around eight hours. Most aromatherapy diffusers are ultrasonic cool mist diffusers. You may not always smell the essential oils in the air but that does not mean they are not working. The essential oils healing properties will be dispersed in the air whether or not you can smell them.  Many aromatherapy diffusers have colored LED lights and different mist settings.
You can buy a diffuser here for under $20. 

5) Stainless Steel Aromatherapy Diffuser Necklace 

Stainless Steel aromatherapy diffuser necklaces are both beautiful and beneficial to your health. The necklaces come with felt pads. You place 1-3 drops of your favorite essential oil on the necklace then put it on. You can put calming essential oils like lavender or germ fighting blends. The possibilities are endless. This gift of jewelry is a great idea to bring beauty and aromatherapy together. 
You can find a stunning diffuser necklace here for under $10. 

6) Elderberries

Elderberries are a great addition to any herbalist's pantry. They are great to make elderberry syrup and other cold and flu remedies with. Elderberry syrup is an easy thing to make. Elderberry syrup can then be added to other recipes to make elderberry gummies, cough syrup, and more. Elderberries can also be a great ingredient in herbal teas to help the immune system. 
You can buy elderberries here from $2.50 and up.  

7) Calendula Flowers

Calendula is an excellent herb for bruises, sunburns, eczema, and many other skin problems. The dried calendula flowers can be infused in oil. The oil can later be used in salves, lotions, and more. The dried flowers can be used as an addition to soaps and bath teas. 
You can buy dried calendula flowers here.  

8) Beeswax Pastilles 

Beeswax is an essential ingredient in many herbal preparations. It is used in soaps, lotions, salves, lip balms, and more. Beeswax can be found in large blocks and in pastilles. These little pastilles are much easier to use than the blocks of beeswax, which are difficult to cut or grate. 
You can buy beeswax pastilles here for $17 and up.  

9) Amber Roller Bottles

Good roller bottles are essential for making many topical essential oil preparations. These roller bottles need to be a dark color such as amber. This keeps your essential oils from going bad quickly. A clear bottle can ruin the integrity of your essential oils. 
You can buy amber roller bottles here for around $10. 

10) Dropper Bottles

Another important bottle aromatherapy tool is good dropper bottles. They also need to be dark colors. They work perfectly for blending your own essential oils. The droppers make it perfect for dropping into carrier oils or diffusers. 
You can buy a 6 pack of dropper bottles here for around $10. 


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Echinacea - Beautiful and Useful

Echinacea, specifically echinacea purpurea, is a wonderful healing herb. It is also great for cold and flu season. One of the best things about echinacea is that it is easy to grow and can be grown across much of the country as a perennial. This plant is not only useful, but a beautiful plant to grow in your garden or flower beds.

Echinacea is a purple coneflower native to the United States. Plains Indians used this plant for all kinds of things, such as snake bites, fevers, and many kinds of wounds. Today it is used for fevers, wound care, respiratory infections, colds, flu, and arthritis, among other things.

Growing & Harvesting

Echinacea can be grown from seed or from a plant bought in a nursery. I have grown echinacea both ways. Seeds should be planted in early autumn. In 2014, I planted echinacea seeds. For weeks they did nothing, not a sprout in sight so I bought two plants from our local nursery.

2 year old plant from a nursery and a seedling 1 year old
A few days after I planted my new plants I saw several seedlings sprout. These seedlings grew extremely slowly the first year. The second year they took off. I also have lots of new plants sprouting up around the plants I bought from the flowers I did not cut back. I now have quite a crop of echinacea. Each winter echinacea will die back completely so do not be dismayed if your plant disappears during the winter.

Echinacea roots, leaves, and flowers can be harvested for use.  They can be used in teas and tinctures. It can also be used in poultices as well as infused in oil and added to salves. The roots of the plants can be used dry without any other preparations. Native Americans chewed the roots for coughs and sore throats.

Harvesting echinacea leaves and flowers can be done when the flowers are just beginning to open. These flowers and leaves can be clipped off the plant and dried on screens or in a dehydrator. If you are planning to let your plant continue growing for another year do not cut all of the leaves off.

Self-sprouted Echinacea about 6 months old
To harvest echinacea carefully dig up the plant after the first frost of the year. If you are replanting your plant only clip some of the roots. For home use, I only harvest a little of my plant's roots each year. After harvesting, place your roots on screens and dry in the sun. You can also dry on a low heat in a dehydrator. Make sure the roots are completely dry before storing. If they are not they can grow bacteria and fungus. Store your dried plant parts in a cool dry place until you are ready to use them.

Tinctures & Teas

To use your dried or fresh echinacea you can put it in high proof alcohol. You use one part plant and one part alcohol. Place this in a jar and shake it up. Then, set it in the sun for two weeks. Make sure to shake your tincture daily. After two weeks you can strain your tincture and store in a clean jar in a dark place. To use the tincture take about 20 drops in half a cup of warm water. This can be taken 2-4 times daily while symptoms persist.

To make teas with echinacea root use about half of a teaspoon of dried echinacea steeped in a cup of hot water. Let it steep 10-15 minutes. You can add ginger, lemongrass, and other healing herbs to taste in this tea. Honey makes a great sweetener and flavor enhancer as well.

Echinacea is a beautiful flowering herb that everyone should have in their garden. It will bring bees and butterflies to your garden. It can also help with colds, coughs, the flu, and many other ailments. The easiest ways to use your own echinacea are in teas and tinctures.

Echinacea in full bloom
ECHINACEA Echinacea purpurea. (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2016, from

H. (2015). How to Grow Echinacea (Coneflower) | Planet Natural. Retrieved October 27, 2016, from  

How to Harvest Echinacea for Tea. (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2016, from 

Loveplantlife, B. (2012). Echinacea: How to grow and use this powerful antibiotic and immune-stimulant. Retrieved October 27, 2016, from 


Friday, November 4, 2016

Good night, John Boy. Good night, Grandma.

Every time I talked to my grandma on the phone there was always specific things we talked about, almost an order to the conversation. We almost always started with the traditional things, like "Hi, Grandma." Then the weather and any weather threats she had seen on TV within a 300-mile radius of us.

After the weather questions came the questions about Little Bear, Popeye, and I. When she knew we were all alive and well she would start her stories. She talked about life in the assisted living place. She talked about the people she met there. I'm pretty sure most of the information she relayed to me was inaccurate.

Then, before we could end our conversation she ALWAYS asked about what shows I watch on the television.  She never had a clue about any of the shows I watched. Not to mention the fact that, after she asked she never stopped talking long enough for me to answer.

She was ready to tell me about the shows she watched. She had a select few shows she watched reruns of regularly. She watched Reba, M.A.S.H., and her absolute favorite The Waltons. The Waltons had been her favorite show for years. Thankfully they played reruns on TV often because I am pretty sure she watched them every time they were on.

When they rearranged the TV schedule she had to rearrange her daily schedule so she could watch The Waltons. I am sure she had seen every episode more times than she could remember, but she loved them just the same. She also loved to tell me about them. Sometimes she would tell me every detail she could remember of the episode she just watched. Every time she would tell me, "If you don't watch The Waltons every day you should."

Every time I flip past The Waltons on television or in the guide I think of my grandma and the joy she got from those old reruns she had seen millions of times. "Good night, John-Boy." Good night, Grandma.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Pine Cone Turkeys & A Lovely Centerpiece

I am the worst about decorating for each holiday and season. The last couple of years we have decorated more than ever. By decorating I mean I bought some window clings at the dollar store and Little Bear put them on the windows.

This year for Thanksgiving my in-laws are coming. I am sure you all know how it is, you have company coming, especially in-laws and you want your house to look its absolute best. We have been working on remodeling and some other odds and ends that needed to be done, but I wanted to have at least a couple of cute decorations, too.

The first thing I did was run to Pinterest. It's my go to for craft ideas. I found several things I liked but none were exactly what I wanted so I took the bit and pieces I liked and I added my own spin on them. It helps that Little Bear has an amazing collection of pine cones that he has collected over the last 3 years.

I made a centerpiece with a wooden bowl I found at Marshall's, a bunch of Little Bear's pine cones, a candle in a glass holder that I found at the dollar store, and some little pumpkins and squash that I found at the dollar store. I started by putting the candle where I wanted it then I dumped pine cones in and artfully arranged the
little pumpkins and squash for a bit of color. I love the way the centerpiece came out.

Our other Thanksgiving craft is pine cone turkeys. Little Bear helped with this craft. It has googly eyes and he cannot resist playing with googly eyes. This craft used the hot glue gun, which is now my nemesis since it gave me a blister today. For this you need pine cones, fabric fall leaves, googly eyes, and orange foam or felt. When you pick out your pine cones try to pick some that will stand up on their own.

The first task I gave Little Bear was to cut me triangles for our turkey's beaks. Then, with my help we hot glued the little beaks and googly eyes on. Then, we took our fabric leaves and figured out what order Little Bear wanted them in. His favorite color is red so most of our turkeys have red leaf tails. The leaves get glued to the back of the pine cone and you have cute little turkeys.