Thursday, November 10, 2016

10 Gift Ideas for Herb Lovers

We all know someone or are someone that people could call crunchy or hippie. (I really hate those terms, especially since I can sort of fall into those categories) I mean someone that loves whole foods, herbal and natural remedies. I love herbs, home remedies, aromatherapy, and homemade beauty products. I know my husband can find that my hobbies make it hard to shop for me so here are 10 great ideas.

1) Rosemary Gladstar's Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health 

This book by Rosemary Gladstar is one of my favorite herb books. It has recipes for everything. The information in this book gives you a wealth of knowledge that can be carried into so many other applications. This book has recipes for more than you can imagine. It has recipes for adults and children both. You can buy this book here for under $15. 

2) Aromatherapy for Vibrant Health by Roberta Wilson

This book by Roberta Wilson is a great book for aromatherapy. It has recipes for a plethora of issues from A to Z. It is laid out in an easy to follow format. This is one of my go-to books for essential oils. There is a newer edition of this book, but this one is typically the one I grab first. If used books are okay with the person you are shopping for buying this book used is a very inexpensive and useful gift.
You can buy this book here for under $15 new and under $5 used.

3) Essential Oils and Blends 

Essential oils are essential for many home remedies. They can be diluted and used topically, used in baths, and used in an aromatherapy diffuser. They can also be added to soaps and other beauty products. Lots of people have favorites. Some of my favorites are Plant Therapy's KidSafe line. Their Germ Destroyer blend is used all the time in my home. It has helped us survive cold and flu season, mostly unscathed, the last couple of years.  I also love lavender and tea tree because these oils have many uses in the home. 
You can buy Plant Therapy Essential Oils here. Prices are from $6.95 and up depending on the essential oil and the size. 

4) Aromatherapy Diffusers

An aromatherapy diffuser is a great gift. They are easy to use. You add water, a few drops of essential oils and they are ready to go. A good diffuser can run for around eight hours. Most aromatherapy diffusers are ultrasonic cool mist diffusers. You may not always smell the essential oils in the air but that does not mean they are not working. The essential oils healing properties will be dispersed in the air whether or not you can smell them.  Many aromatherapy diffusers have colored LED lights and different mist settings.
You can buy a diffuser here for under $20. 

5) Stainless Steel Aromatherapy Diffuser Necklace 

Stainless Steel aromatherapy diffuser necklaces are both beautiful and beneficial to your health. The necklaces come with felt pads. You place 1-3 drops of your favorite essential oil on the necklace then put it on. You can put calming essential oils like lavender or germ fighting blends. The possibilities are endless. This gift of jewelry is a great idea to bring beauty and aromatherapy together. 
You can find a stunning diffuser necklace here for under $10. 

6) Elderberries

Elderberries are a great addition to any herbalist's pantry. They are great to make elderberry syrup and other cold and flu remedies with. Elderberry syrup is an easy thing to make. Elderberry syrup can then be added to other recipes to make elderberry gummies, cough syrup, and more. Elderberries can also be a great ingredient in herbal teas to help the immune system. 
You can buy elderberries here from $2.50 and up.  

7) Calendula Flowers

Calendula is an excellent herb for bruises, sunburns, eczema, and many other skin problems. The dried calendula flowers can be infused in oil. The oil can later be used in salves, lotions, and more. The dried flowers can be used as an addition to soaps and bath teas. 
You can buy dried calendula flowers here.  

8) Beeswax Pastilles 

Beeswax is an essential ingredient in many herbal preparations. It is used in soaps, lotions, salves, lip balms, and more. Beeswax can be found in large blocks and in pastilles. These little pastilles are much easier to use than the blocks of beeswax, which are difficult to cut or grate. 
You can buy beeswax pastilles here for $17 and up.  

9) Amber Roller Bottles

Good roller bottles are essential for making many topical essential oil preparations. These roller bottles need to be a dark color such as amber. This keeps your essential oils from going bad quickly. A clear bottle can ruin the integrity of your essential oils. 
You can buy amber roller bottles here for around $10. 

10) Dropper Bottles

Another important bottle aromatherapy tool is good dropper bottles. They also need to be dark colors. They work perfectly for blending your own essential oils. The droppers make it perfect for dropping into carrier oils or diffusers. 
You can buy a 6 pack of dropper bottles here for around $10. 


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