Thursday, November 17, 2016


Do you ever feel really overwhelmed? I am at that point right now. I feel like I have so many irons in the fire that I do not know how I will ever get everything done. It is pretty rough lately. I know I am not as busy as some people, but I am overwhelmed

My irons have grown in the last few months since Popeye got home. Since Popeye got home laundry multiplied immensely, along with other chores. I also started working again for the first time in years. I work from home, but it is still not something I am used to. I enjoy the work. Freelance writing is fun, but it is something that takes away from what had been my normal schedule for years.

I have also taken on some things like being an assistant den leader for Little Bear's den. Then, there are projects like finishing the bathrooms, sealing the tile floors in the rest of the house, and then cleaning up after we get it all done. I am ready to have my house back to normal instead of being torn apart. Soon, I hope, it will all be done.

One of my many irons
To help combat the overwhelmed feeling I have made myself a schedule. The first part of my day begins with getting Little Bear off to school. After that, I come home and take my morning nap. I know, I know, most of you think a morning nap sounds crazy, but with my gastroparesis, I need a morning nap to function the rest of the day without biting anyone's head off or falling asleep mid-afternoon.

My writing work doesn't take too long most days so I am scheduling it for my mornings and early afternoons. I usually try to get it done around lunch time. I schedule chores and painting for the afternoons. Then, I plan my time for making dinner and doing laundry in the evenings.

Having a schedule really helps, but even more than having a schedule, I have found that starting my day off right helps most. On days I start with reading my Bible and having some quality prayer or my devotional time I have a much better and more productive day. I am in an online Bible study group that I love. When I keep up with that I do much better at keeping up with all the other things in life. Working on my relationship with God helps me control my stress and anxiety and I need all the help I can get with that.

They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. 
Luke 6:48  

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