Now that I am an old lady time seems to fly by. The last ten years have gone by with amazing speed. During the last ten years, I got my first real job. My divorce was finalized. I got married to Popeye. Then, Little Bear was born.

Popeye's job is hard. Some days it is because the work is hard and other times it is because being away from his family is hard. He misses out on a lot of family time. He misses school plays, birthdays, holidays, and just life. While Popeye is deployed we don't get to put life on hold. We cannot press pause on Little Bear growing up. We cannot stop time to wait for our anniversary. It's hard, on Popeye and on Little Bear and I.
So, here's to you Popeye... Happy Ten Years! You make us proud daily with the sacrifices you make. You sacrifice your time and energy to protect the freedoms we hold most dear. Thank you for your sacrifices and thank you for your service!
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