Monday, October 31, 2016

Cemeteries, Crows, and Curanderos

Growing up we camped a lot. We camped on vacations and weekend trips. My brother was a Boy Scout. My dad had been an Eagle Scout. I thought I knew basically everything I needed to know about the wilderness and camping. 

My family and I when I was in high school
One winter when I was in high school my family and this lady and her husband went camping in Big Bend National Park. It's on the border of West TX and Mexico. The man was a game warden and he knew all kinds of things I had never heard of.

He taught us about this white fuzzy thing on prickly pear cactus. When you touched it, it was red underneath and could be used to dye your skin. We had a lot of fun sneaking up on people and smearing it on their faces. We also learned about using long cactus thorns and reeds or thick grass to make spears. Then, we all threw these spears at each other.

One day we were driving around the park and stopped at an old cemetery. The cemetery had graves that were covered with pebbles and small rocks of all different types, agates, quartz, and some other beautiful rocks. They were stacked along graves and near and on headstones. Our friend saw some rocks she thought were pretty on someone's grave and put them in her pocket.

As we drove and walked around the rest of the day, we gave our friend grief for being a grave robber and stealing from the dead. There was a single crow nearly everywhere we went that day. Her husband and my dad lovingly convinced her the crow was a curandero or witch doctor, and it was going to curse her for stealing from the dead.

Later that day we drove past a different small cemetery. She hollered for us to stop. My dad backed up so we could get out there. She jumped out of the car and everyone sent me out with her. She put her rocks on the graves there although this cemetery did not have rocks. It had coins.... Lots of really OLD coins.

She thought the coins were neat, and so did I. She wanted to stop to look at them, but I refused to pause long enough to let her ponder robbing the dead again. The crows still were everywhere we went. We told her it was because now the curanderos were after her because she stole from the first grave and then put the rocks on the grave of the dead that wanted coins.

We had a chance of snow that night so we packed up camp and went to check into the lodge that night because none of us wanted to freeze. The men checked in and when they got into their room she was scared and yelped. There was a crow feather on laid upon her pillow.

I found out later that night her husband had found it and sneakily gave it to my brother, who quickly snuck in and out of their hotel room there while her husband distracted her unloading the car.

Friday, October 28, 2016

A Book Lover's Gift Guide

Images from

Every year my sweet Popeye has a hard time shopping for me. A couple of years ago I started making wishlists on Amazon to help him out a little. Since then I have gotten some really great gifts. Some purchased from my wish list and others that are just items based off of things I put on my list. Having a gift guide can be a huge help to people that feel lost when shopping. Lately, I have been reading up a storm so here are ten gifts for book lovers.

1) Reading Journal 

This little journal is a hardcover journal that has pages inside to fill with information about the books you read. You can write in here about your favorite book current books you are reading. There are pages to list the title, author, and other information about each book. Each of these is accompanied by sections that you can record your thoughts and feelings about the book. 
You can buy the journal here for under $10.

2) First Lines of Literature Coffee Mug 

This coffee mug is awesome. Most of the book lovers I know, including myself, love to sit and read with a cup of coffee or a cup of tea. This mug is covered with amazing first lines from classic literature. Best of all it is a huge mug that holds a whopping 16 oz of your favorite drink.
You can buy the mug here for around $15. 

3) Antiquarian Bookplates

For book lovers like me who love to have actual books, these bookplates can be a wonderful addition to their home library. This set comes with 53 bookplates in a variety of sizes. Many of these bookplates have nice quotes and beautiful images on them. 
You can buy bookplates here for under $10. 

4) The Book was Better T-shirt

We all know book lovers say "the book was better" regularly. Let's face it, the book is usually better. What book lover would not love a t-shirt that says it for them? These shirts come in a variety of colors. The best thing about these shirts is they come in men's, women's, and youth sizes. 
You can buy the t-shirt here for $20 and up. 

5) Book Tissue Box Cover 

This tissue box cover is perfect for all the times a tissue is needed while reading. This means the times when a beloved character dies and it feels like you've lost a friend. Don't deny it... All true book lovers have been there. 
You can buy the tissue box cover here for around $15.

6) Book Light 

Lots of book lovers enjoy reading in bed, long past the time they should be asleep. I know my husband hates when I leave the big lamp on my nightstand on so I can read while he saws logs. This little book light will give just enough light to read a book without illuminating the entire room. It is small and lightweight, also, which makes it easy to take when you travel.
You can buy this book light here for around $10.

7) Bookends

Bookends can come in really handy sometimes, like the times when you just got a new bookshelf and haven't had a chance to buy more books yet. They are also great when you have books on top of a shelf and want to decoratively display them. Bookends can be really simple or extremely ornate. This set is simply lovely. 
You can buy these bookends here for about $15. 

8) Kindle Paperwhite

If your book lover does not have room for a million books, a Kindle Paperwhite may be the perfect solution. It can hold hordes of books and is lightweight and easy to carry around. Kindle Paperwhites have the option of a black or white tablet. They are great for reading on the go.
You can buy a Kindle Paperwhite here for $119.99 and up. 

9) A Great Book Set 

Everyone who loves books has a series or an author they really like. Many times these books can be bought in a beautiful box set. Whether their fancy is Jane Austen or "The Lord of the Rings" or Harry Potter a nice looking box set can be a fantastic gift.   

10) Amazon Gift Card 

I know gift cards are often seen as a lazy person's gift, but for a book lover they can be an amazing gift. They can buy many real books or kindle books. Amazon's gift cards can be bought for any amount you chose. They can be sent as an actual gift card or via email making these a great easy gift for someone who lives far away. 
Amazon gift cards can be bought here for any amount you chose. 

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Family Tree Wall Decal

This family tree wall decal by Delma is beautiful. It is also huge. It takes up an entire wall, which is great. Don't plan to put this in a small area. It really does take up an entire large wall. 

The decal comes on a long roll of paper. Each section is numbered so you know where it goes. You have to cut out the sections as you go. The leaves are not numbered. We put the leaves and the words on last. Putting it up is a long and tedious process. There are tons of parts. You will need a step stool or step ladder to put this on the wall. Even Popeye at 6'3" tall needed a step ladder to get the uppermost parts up. 

The frames are the most difficult part because they need to be level or they look awkward. We had an issue with one because we had to take it off because it was not level. We ripped one of the corners when we removed it. You cannot tell that it is ripped now. 

The smaller frames fit 4x6 photos perfectly. The larger frames are an odd size. They are too big for a 5x7 photo and too small for an 8x10 photo. Popeye has a plan for using smaller photos in them and sticking them up with some kind of sticky tack stuff. 

I really love this wall decal even without photos in it. The tree is really nice against our white walls. the contrast between the wall and the black vinyl is really nice. I have finally added photos to this piece, but it took me forever to find pictures I loved enough to put in it. It was up on my wall without pictures for about a month.

You can buy the family tree decal here.

I received this product at no cost. All opinions expressed here are 100% my own. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Dropproce $150 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway

Dropprice $150 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway Ends 11/7

Welcome to the Dropprice $150 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!

Dropprice is an innovative startup that rewards moms for being social. Essentially, they empower moms to drop prices of kids & baby products with a click. The price continues dropping as more moms click “Drop the price”. Every week new promotions are launched and moms drop prices by sharing them on social media. See the chart below to understand the power moms have and how important it is to share with other moms. Dropprice $150 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway Ends 11/7 In today’s promotion for the FuzziBunz Cloth Diapers, it started out at $39.90 and for each mom that clicks, the price drops a bit. The price will continue to drop for each mom that participates. Dropprice $150 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway Ends 11/7 You can choose to share on social media to get more moms to click “Drop the price”, or you can “Buy Now” at the current price. Keep in mind that when the price gets low, they usually sell out and you will no longer have the chance to buy that item. As an added bonus every item on Dropprice ships for free!   Do you want to give it a try? This is such a fun and exciting way for moms to save lots of money by collaborating with each other. If you would like to have a chance to win a $150 Amazon gift card, you can experience dropping the price by following the instructions below.   Giveaway: Win a $150 Amazon Gift Card All you have to do is help moms drop the price of the Diapers and you will be entered to win a $150 Amazon gift card. Just click “Drop the price” on the entry form below for a chance to win. For even more entries, share it on your social media networks via the entry form — every time one of your friends also clicks to drop the price, you’ll automatically receive additional giveaway entries!   This giveaway ends on 11/7/2016; you must be a US Resident and be 18 years or older to enter. Winners are randomly selected and contacted via email; the winners will be listed at the top of the entry form when the giveaway ends. Click here if you don’t see the entry form below.

Terms & Conditions | Powered by Dropprice

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Worthy in His Eyes

Growing up we were in church every Sunday and Wednesday and almost any time someone was at church. We were there all the time. My mom was the church secretary for years and my dad was a deacon.

I accepted Jesus when I was in the fourth grade. My brother walked down the aisle to accept Jesus on Sunday morning. Our Sunday lunch conversation that day revolved around his decision to become a Christian. That lunchtime conversation tugged at my heart. That evening I walked down the aisle and made my public profession of faith. From that moment on I was a daughter of Christ. 

As a youth I helped with Vacation Bible School. I went to camp and to all the youth group events. I enjoyed church. I loved going. I brought friends when I could and I was always inviting people to church. 

In college, I regularly shared my faith with my friends. I spent my first two years of college going to a Christian College, although a different denomination than I was raised in. I went to chapel during the week. I found a sense of peace and belonging fellowshipping with other believers. 

When I married my ex-husband, I went through the adult RCIA Catholic Classes. I was confirmed, although now I look back and admit I should not have been. I never agreed with all the things I learned there. I never went to confession. I did not ever pray a Hail Mary or a prayer to the saints. Catholicism was not for me. 

Somewhere in the midst of "becoming" Catholic, my grandpa passing away, getting married and divorced, I lost my way. I was angry... at myself and at God. I was angry for the way my life turned out. I was angry at the awkward unwelcome feeling I got every time I went to mass. All these things were my own doing. The only one that was not my fault was my grandpa's cancer and death and that was just a sad fact of life.

During that time of my life, I fled. I ran from God and church. I was no longer going to the Catholic church, but going to my home church, the church I grew up in I felt just as lost. My anger and discouraged heart kept me from feeling at home there. The people there loved me, just as they always had, but I felt alone. 

I wanted nothing to do with God or His people. I blamed Him for my life being a mess. I was angry that he had not closed the doors that led me into distress and a broken heart. On the rare occassion, I was on speaking terms with God I ranted and I raved at Him. How could He let this happen to me?

I moved away from home after a while. Almost eighteen months after my divorce began, I walked into a church for the first time on my own. I walked out of church an hour or so later feeling blessed. I felt God speaking to me. I don't remember the sermon that day, but I remember feeling like the message was meant for me. It was there in that church six hours from home, one of the only white people in the building, that God spoke to my heart so much that I felt at home and at peace for the first time in years.  

God had been calling me to Him for a while, but I had been unwilling to listen. I made a huge mess of my life and made more mistakes than I could ever count. I hurt myself and the people I loved, but God loved me enough to wait out my anger. He was there when I was ready to drag my good for nothing carcass back to Him. He found me, a sinner who had ranted and raved and yelled at Him, worthy in His eyes. His love is great enough to cover all my sins.

During my mid-twenties and just when I thought I had life under control, I was diagnosed with a stomach condition called gastroparesis. I was no longer healthy. I was weak and tired and sick as a dog. I didn't want to do anything or talk to anyone and even when I did I didn't have the energy to do it. It was during this time in my life that I picked up my Bible or at least my Bible app on my phone. I read the One Year Bible plans two years in a row.

During those two years I found myself drawing nearer to God. Even in my illness I could call on Him. No matter how bad I felt He was there waiting for me. When I felt alone and lost and too sick to call on anyone else God heard my prayers. He comforted my heart in a way no living person could.

My illness has been a blessing in disguise. Yup, you read that right... My gastroparesis changed my life drastically and I pretty much hate it, but it drew me nearer to God and my family than anything ever had. It made me realize how much I needed God daily. 

I still make stupid mistakes, sin, and skip church... more often than I would like to admit, but I know my Savior is always there. Through the valleys and hills in my life God is with me, loving me, strengthening, me and encouraging me all along the way. 

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11 

Monday, October 24, 2016

Cubico Specialty Coffee

Popeye loves coffee. He drinks at least one cup every day. For years he drank plain old Maxwell House coffee or whatever K-Cups we had bought. This summer I got a coffee grinder and we started grinding his own coffee. He loved the freshly ground coffee so much more than pre-ground inexpensive coffee.

Popeye had been wanting to try something new and I stumbled upon this Cubico Specialty Coffee. We ordered their 100% Peruvian coffee. It is a medium roast coffee. This coffee is not your traditional coffee.

First off, the packaging is really nice. It comes in a nice box with the bag inside of the box. Secondly, once you open the bag you can smell the amazing scent of this Peruvian coffee. For me, all coffee smells great, but this coffee really smelled different in a great way. 

The coffee describes itself as having a nutty and citrus flavor. I wondered how that could happen... well... I still don't understand how they made it have a nutty and citrus flavor but they did. It is really almost indescribable. Popeye finished this 12 oz bag of coffee off in record time and was thoroughly disappointed when it was gone. 

If you love coffee already this coffee is great. It gives a new depth of flavor to your traditional morning cup of coffee. If you don't love coffee this coffee has a different flavor that could make you learn to love coffee. 

You can purchase Cubico Specialty Coffee here

I received a discount on this product. All opinions expressed are 100% my own (and Popeye's).

Thursday, October 20, 2016


Kids have a lot of expectations about things. I know we all have expectations about how things will be, but sometimes I see it in my son's eyes and hear the disappointment in his voice when life does not meet his expectations.

Little Bear reads a lot. When he reads things he expects life to work exactly like what he read. The most recent example of this is our recent adventure into the world of Cub Scouts. A month or so ago school started sending out fliers about Cub Scouting registration night. The flier talked about camping, fishing, and all the fun trips Cub Scouts take.

What the flier did not talk about was meetings once a week where you sit and do activities and learn. Little Bear thought every time we went to Cub Scouts we would be doing some kind of amazing outdoor activity. He thought we would go and roast marshmallows and drink hot cocoa or something equally fun the first time we went. 

I had tried to explain to him that it would be a meeting with a table and chairs. We would memorize things, learn to tie knots and learn what we need to know for camping trips. No matter what I said Little Bear did not believe this. 

Well... I was correct. Little Bear was somewhat disappointed in this. We talked about the fun activities planned for later this month though so he was appeased. Little Bear was excited to see some of his best friends from school at Cub Scouts. 

His expectations of amazing things coming from Cub Scouts have not changed. He knows it will be wonderful. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Giveaway - Dropprice $175 Target Gift Card

Dropprice $175 Target Gift Card

Welcome to the Dropprice $175 Target Gift Card Giveaway!

Dropprice is an innovative startup that rewards moms for being social. Essentially, they empower moms to drop prices of kids & baby products with a click. The price continues dropping as more moms click “Drop the price”. Every week new promotions are launched and moms drop prices by sharing them on social media. See the chart below to understand the power moms have and how important it is to share with other moms. Dropprice $175 Target Gift Card In today’s promotion for the Copper Pearl Baby Bandana Bibs, it started out at $34.99 and for each mom that clicks, the price drops a bit. The price will continue to drop for each mom that participates. Dropprice $175 Target Gift Card You can choose to share on social media to get more moms to click “Drop the price”, or you can “Buy Now” at the current price. Keep in mind that when the price gets low, they usually sell out and you will no longer have the chance to buy that item. As an added bonus every item on Dropprice ships for free! Do you want to give it a try? This is such a fun and exciting way for moms to save lots of money by collaborating with each other. If you would like to have a chance to win a $175 Target gift card, you can experience dropping the price by following the instructions below.

Giveaway: Win a $175 Target Gift Card

All you have to do is help moms drop the price of these Bandana Bibs and you will be entered to win a $175 Target gift card. Just click “Drop the price” on the entry form below for a chance to win. For even more entries, share it on your social media networks via the entry form — every time one of your friends also clicks to drop the price, you’ll automatically receive additional giveaway entries!

This giveaway ends on 10/31/2016; you must be a US Resident and be 18 years or older to enter. Winners are randomly selected and contacted via email; the winners will be listed at the top of the entry form when the giveaway ends. Click here if you don’t see the entry form below.

Terms & Conditions | Powered by Dropprice

Vintage Summer Hat

My Normal Casual Hat
A few years ago I started getting migraines and migraine-associated vertigo. They are often triggered by fluorescent lights. At home we switched over to all LED lights from fluorescent and CFL. It has helped a lot in the amount of migraines I have at home.

That still left me with the problem of migraines when we would go out places. Shopping, church, friend's houses, and other places all have fluorescent lights. I would regularly start feeling a headache or vertigo coming on when we were away from home.

My mom also has migraines that are triggered by fluorescent lights. She told me that wearing a hat helps her. This is great for her because she truly likes hats. I however have always hated wearing hats. It has been a huge adjustment for me.

I often wear baseball hats and other really casual hats. Sometimes I wear my cowboy hat. At church I always feel like I should wear a nicer hat. Especially when I am all dressed up, wearing a casual hat seems goofy.

I found this hat from IL Caldo. This vintage style hat is so cute. I wear a lot of vintage dresses so this is the perfect hat for me. I got the grey hat. It has a silvery grey satin ribbon around it with a ribbon flower on the side. There is a little accent of a black polka dotted fabric that gives it just enough black to break up the grey. The hat also comes in black, red, and coffee.

This hat is lightweight and perfect for summer. Since I live in the South a nice light hat is great for most of the year.

The hat is a little bit too big for me, but one size hats always are. I have a small head compared to many women. I use a hat tape that fits in the brim of my hat to make it fit correctly. If you have an average sized head you will probably be fine in this hat.

I love the way this hat looks and feels. When I sent my mom a picture she asked if I bought it for her. I got a bunch of compliments when I wore it to church.

You can buy the IL Caldo Vintage Hat here. You can buy hat filler tape here.

I received a discount on this product. All opinions are 100% my own.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Does your spouse hate your favorite movie?

Have you ever had a favorite movie that your spouse hates? I certainly do. Popeye and I have very different taste in movies for the most part. I love musicals, all kinds of musicals.

Movie Night... Not "Hello, Dolly!"
My favorite is "Hello, Dolly!" My dearest Popeye has never sat all the way through my most favorite film without falling asleep or vacating the room.I adore "Hello Dolly." It is hilarious and sweet. The music is wonderful. The movie is lighthearted and fun. I don't know who wouldn't like it. Popeye does not like it at all.

I finally got Popeye to talk about it one day. He blames it on not liking Barbara Streisand. I am not a huge fan of her either, but I enjoy her in "Hello, Dolly!"

Popeye enjoys gory action movies. I could do without them. He also likes movies that scare me, like

things with giant bugs. I like bugs but giant bugs give me nightmares, every time.
Thankfully, we usually find some middle ground and can enjoy a movie night together. Some of our favorites are "Star Wars", "Lord of the Rings", and "Howl's Moving Castle". It helps that we can hate some movies together like "The Mist" and "I am Legend".