Monday, October 24, 2016

Cubico Specialty Coffee

Popeye loves coffee. He drinks at least one cup every day. For years he drank plain old Maxwell House coffee or whatever K-Cups we had bought. This summer I got a coffee grinder and we started grinding his own coffee. He loved the freshly ground coffee so much more than pre-ground inexpensive coffee.

Popeye had been wanting to try something new and I stumbled upon this Cubico Specialty Coffee. We ordered their 100% Peruvian coffee. It is a medium roast coffee. This coffee is not your traditional coffee.

First off, the packaging is really nice. It comes in a nice box with the bag inside of the box. Secondly, once you open the bag you can smell the amazing scent of this Peruvian coffee. For me, all coffee smells great, but this coffee really smelled different in a great way. 

The coffee describes itself as having a nutty and citrus flavor. I wondered how that could happen... well... I still don't understand how they made it have a nutty and citrus flavor but they did. It is really almost indescribable. Popeye finished this 12 oz bag of coffee off in record time and was thoroughly disappointed when it was gone. 

If you love coffee already this coffee is great. It gives a new depth of flavor to your traditional morning cup of coffee. If you don't love coffee this coffee has a different flavor that could make you learn to love coffee. 

You can purchase Cubico Specialty Coffee here

I received a discount on this product. All opinions expressed are 100% my own (and Popeye's).

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