Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Does your spouse hate your favorite movie?

Have you ever had a favorite movie that your spouse hates? I certainly do. Popeye and I have very different taste in movies for the most part. I love musicals, all kinds of musicals.

Movie Night... Not "Hello, Dolly!"
My favorite is "Hello, Dolly!" My dearest Popeye has never sat all the way through my most favorite film without falling asleep or vacating the room.I adore "Hello Dolly." It is hilarious and sweet. The music is wonderful. The movie is lighthearted and fun. I don't know who wouldn't like it. Popeye does not like it at all.

I finally got Popeye to talk about it one day. He blames it on not liking Barbara Streisand. I am not a huge fan of her either, but I enjoy her in "Hello, Dolly!"

Popeye enjoys gory action movies. I could do without them. He also likes movies that scare me, like

things with giant bugs. I like bugs but giant bugs give me nightmares, every time.
Thankfully, we usually find some middle ground and can enjoy a movie night together. Some of our favorites are "Star Wars", "Lord of the Rings", and "Howl's Moving Castle". It helps that we can hate some movies together like "The Mist" and "I am Legend".

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