Monday, September 26, 2016

A Book Review - "If You Were Me and Lived in... the Middle Ages"

Little Bear loves non-fiction books. Most of the time when he chooses non-fiction books at the bookstore or library he chooses science and technology type of books. He rarely chooses history. I love history, though, so I am always trying to interest him in historical stuff. The book "If You Were Me and Lived in... the Middle Ages" really sparked his interest in the Middle Ages.

The book is a paperback book with 97 pages. The book is written from the perspective of a young girl living in the Middle Ages. She talks about what her life is like and what the lives of the other people are like. I enjoy the fact that Carole P. Roman, the author, does not really shy away from some of the gorier aspects of the Middle Ages, like bloodletting and the plight of the poor peasants. She does not go into great detail about these type of things but mentions them in a way that if children are old enough and interested they can ask questions about them.

The illustrations in this book are really nice. They are not what you typically see in children’s books. They are cute, brightly colored, and fun.

Little Bear is a second grader and read this book on his own during his quiet reading time. It took him a while to read it. The information was perfectly written for his reading level. He had a few questions about things. He really loves the glossary at the back. The part of this book that grabbed his attention most was the section about the peasants. He has just started doing some more chores around the house and said he feels like a peasant working a lot.

 One of my favorite things about this book is that it sparked some really interesting discussions about history, the Middle Ages, people, cultures, and more. We had some great conversations as he read this book. Little Bear is also interested in learning about other time periods and what it would have been like then.

You can buy this book here

I received this book free of charge. All opinions expressed are 100% my own.  

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