Monday, September 19, 2016

A Witness to a Robbery or Not?

Every time I talked to my Grandma on the phone she would have something crazy to say. I mean every single time.

One of the funniest stories started with "Yesterday I witnessed a bank robbery!" I sat there a minute waiting for her to continue and wondering what really happened because if she had really witnessed a bank robbery I was sure my parents would have told me about it.

Her story went something like this. She rode the bus from the assisted living place to the bank. At the bank, she got some money. Then, as they were leaving the bank parking lot they saw a man running through the bushes with a backpack. The man was wearing a black shirt and blue jeans. She was sure he had robbed the bank and the money he stole was in his pack.

She tried to tell the bus driver to stop or follow him, but he would not do it. I, of course, found her story as fishy as the poor bus driver. Working for an assisted living and nursing home facility I'm sure he was used to hearing crazy stories.

I googled to see if there were any bank robberies in the area. Of course,
 there were not. Grandma said she was sure he had stolen money or he would not have been running through the bushes with a backpack in a black shirt and jeans. 

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