Thursday, October 20, 2016


Kids have a lot of expectations about things. I know we all have expectations about how things will be, but sometimes I see it in my son's eyes and hear the disappointment in his voice when life does not meet his expectations.

Little Bear reads a lot. When he reads things he expects life to work exactly like what he read. The most recent example of this is our recent adventure into the world of Cub Scouts. A month or so ago school started sending out fliers about Cub Scouting registration night. The flier talked about camping, fishing, and all the fun trips Cub Scouts take.

What the flier did not talk about was meetings once a week where you sit and do activities and learn. Little Bear thought every time we went to Cub Scouts we would be doing some kind of amazing outdoor activity. He thought we would go and roast marshmallows and drink hot cocoa or something equally fun the first time we went. 

I had tried to explain to him that it would be a meeting with a table and chairs. We would memorize things, learn to tie knots and learn what we need to know for camping trips. No matter what I said Little Bear did not believe this. 

Well... I was correct. Little Bear was somewhat disappointed in this. We talked about the fun activities planned for later this month though so he was appeased. Little Bear was excited to see some of his best friends from school at Cub Scouts. 

His expectations of amazing things coming from Cub Scouts have not changed. He knows it will be wonderful. 

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