Thursday, June 2, 2016

KidSafe Germ Destroyer

Since my son started school we have had more illnesses like colds, strep throat, upper respiratory infections, and so on. This year I decided that would not be happening. Starting this winter I decided I would be using some type of anti-germ blend in the diffuser as often as I could. At first I wanted to make some type of thieves' like blend, but many of the ingredients in it are not safe for children.

I searched amazon and found Plant Therapy's KidSafe line of products. Finding KidSafe essential oil blends is awesome for me. I like to make my own blends, but sometimes buying them pre-made is not only easier, but more cost effective. In this case I bought the KidSafe Germ Destroyer Synergy. It has a couple of essential oils I don't have on hand and wouldn't use regularly enough to buy a whole bottle of them. I bought the bottle of undiluted essential oils.

This Germ Destroyer Blend has Spruce, Marjoram, Lavender, Rosalina and Lemon essential oils. This blend is not the best smelling blend, but I got used to it and enjoy it now. I used this blend in the diffuser every day through the winter. I only got one upper respiratory infection this year instead the 5-6 upper respiratory infections and cold I of last year. My son had one minor cold and that was all. We knew lots of people that got sick a lot this year, but we were not among those people.

This essential oil blend can also be diluted in a carrier oil and applied topically. When we use it topically I dilute it, usually in olive oil. Then, I rub it into my son's feet and make him put socks on. This keeps him from touching his essential oil covered feet and putting his hands in his mouth.

This blend is one of our favorites. It is in our diffuser during the day most days in the main rooms of the house.

You can find Plant Therapy's KidSafe Germ Destroyer Synergy here.

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