Friday, August 11, 2017

August, Gastroparesis, and Botox

It is August. To some that just means the dog days of summer or time for the kids to go back to school. For me it means it is Gastroparesis Awareness Month. Gastroparesis has been a part of my life for nearly 7 years now. As many of you know I spent almost a year and a half with stomach issues that no one could figure out. Finally, in 2011, I was diagnosed with Gastroparesis. My Gastroparesis is idiopathic, meaning they have no idea what caused it.
After my diagnosis, I drastically changed my diet and started medicine that helped immensely. My weight loss finally leveled out and my symptoms were minimal compared to what they had been. I stayed at a fairly nice level for several years. I had nausea every day, but it was a tolerable level. There was no daily vomiting or major weight loss.

Then, this winter all that changed. All of a sudden, for no known reason, my Gastroparesis flared up. My gastroenterologist had no new medications to try since I am already doing all I can do for it in daily life. At this point, I was going to the emergency room every couple of weeks for IV fluids and IV nausea medicine.

My gastroenterologist did offer one thing that I had never tried before… Botox. Yes, you read that right, Botox. The Botox is injected into the pyloric sphincter during an upper endoscopy. I was nervous about this, but my husband and I didn’t know what else to do. We talked and prayed about it for a couple of weeks and then called my doctor to schedule the procedure.

They told me it helps some Gastroparesis patients. I was nervous that I would be one of the ones that it would not help. Thankfully, it helped me more than I could imagine. After about two to three days, my nausea was back to it’s normal levels. I didn’t have to go to the ER again for IV fluids.

Waiting to get called back for my procedure
In the nearly 6 months, I have had minimal symptoms. My nausea is mostly back to its daily tolerable levels. I still take my normal medicines for my Gastroparesis and maintain my low fat, low fiber diet.

The one downside of this procedure is that the effects of the Botox can wear off after six months. I am on month five and I am starting to notice a slight increase in my nausea. I cannot tell yet if it is just the normal cycle of my Gastroparesis symptoms flaring up or if it is the Botox wearing off. For me the Botox procedure has given me much needed symptom relief and I will do it again as needed.

Take a moment and wear green for Gastroparesis this month. Show your support for the many who suffer from this terrible condition.

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